2024 Fall Updated Hours
Gunflint Trail, 1950. Cook County Historical Society.
As we head towards the first day of Autumn, the leaves change and so do things at Historic Cook County. To effectively manage the transition of several staff members into new, exciting positions in the community, we are re-evaluating our approach to maintaining the well-being of our team while preparing for our centennial celebration in 2025. This will allow us to continue effectively sharing the stories of Cook County’s history.
Effective immediately, the Cook County History Museum will be closed through November, with hopes that we will be able to reopen in December. Letteracy Deck, which visitors and locals have enjoyed on the back deck of the Museum this summer, has moved to the Grand Marias Harbor side of the Lake Superior Trading Post. In addition, the Saturday Harbor History Tours have ended for 2024, and will resume in late spring/early summer of 2025. The last Bally Blacksmith and Metal Shop tour and demonstration scheduled for the last weekend in September has been canceled.
Finally, September 26th will be the final Trivia Night hosted by Historic Cook County for 2024. We have thoroughly enjoyed spending time with you on the first and last Thursday of each month for the past couple of years, and can’t wait to come back in 2025 with more bar-style trivia!
You can always join us virtually with our new digital options, including behind-the-scenes YouTube videos and virtual tours. Learn more here.
For the most up-to-date information, visit our website at cookcountyhistory.org.
PS: Don’t forget to join us for the Public Art Project Unveiling on Saturday, September 28, from 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm and for Cookies, Cocoa, and the Cook County Historical Society, our annual meeting, on October 12, from 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm (both at the Johnson Heritage Post).