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If you wish to donate to the Society - PLease choose from the donation options below!
Every contribution counts!
Donations can be made to the Cook County Historical Society to help us collect, preserve, and share our collections as well as maintain the five historic sites that make up Historic Cook County. Special fundraising opportunities are also available throughout the year.
Please HELP US as we work to keep Cook County’s history for future generations!
Due to recent repeated flooding, the Cook County Historical Society Board of Directors has decided to build a new offsite storage facility with proper environmental controls and enough space house all of our collections – totaling over 28,000 individual items!
Donations of artifacts from the public contribute toward the collection of the Cook County Historical Society. Please understand that we cannot accept everything people wish to donate. Our staff will evaluate any offered artifact, and determine if it is appropriate for addition to our collection.
To discuss a donation, contact Katie Clark at katie@cookcountyhistory.org. Please do not bring donations to the museum without first making an appointment with a staff member at CCHS. When possible, email all information about your donation, along with photographs. Please be sure to include your contact information and any additional information you may have about the artifact/photo.